Baby Boy Names
| Sun | | Medical attendant | | Historical name | | Obvious, clear | | Lion | | Slave,
obedient | | Worshiper | | Righteous, pious | | Historical name | | Man of letters | | Equal, like, peer | | Name of a saint | | Fair, honest | | Domiciled, settled | | Chaste, righteous | | Bright, illuminated | | Commander, officer | | Excellent, the best | | Much praised | | More handsome, better | | More beautiful | | More generous | | Greatest | | Star | | Worshiper in solitude | | Complete, perfect | | Noble, more generous | | High rank, nobility | | World | | World-conquering | | Friendly, affable | | High, sublime | | Grace, kindness | | Safety, protection | | Fidelity, loyalty | | Honesty, loyalty | | Prince, leader | | Historical name | | More glorious, noble | | Historical name | | Historical name | | Historical name | | Smart, spruce | | Friendly, gentle | | Stars | | Radiant, very bright | | Sagacious, wise | | Intelligent, wise | | Intelligent wise | | Learned | | Honorable, dear | | Lion | | Well
guided | | Prosperous,
happier | | Lion | | Small, little | | Compassion, kindness | | Most noble, honorable | | Protector, guardian | | Soldier | | Very safe, healthier | | Secrets | | Ancient, longstanding | | Free or noble person | | Purer, immaculate | | High, honorable | | Sympathetic | | Historical name | | Relief, help | | Historical name | | Living, well off | | Exalted and brave | | Lucky | | A prophet's name | | Greatest | | Great, magnificent | | Honorable, mighty | | Bright, luminous | | Evident | | Greatness, majesty | | Determined, lion |
| Lion | | Full moon | | Beauty, grace | | Happy delightful | | Dazzling | | Joy, delight | | Name of a saint | | Honored, venerated | | Coming early | | Prosperous, lucky | | Eloquent, fluent | | Eternal, everlasting | | Genious, learned | | Radiance, glitter | | Ingenious, superior | | Blessing, abundance | | Always smiling | | Perspicacious | | Good tidings | | Bringer of good news | | Bringer of good news | | Fearless, brave | | Smiling | | High, lofty | | Expander | | Always smiling | | Courageous (lion) | | High, exalted | | Historical name | | Joy, happiness | | Little full moon | | Historical name | | Proof, evidence |
| Teacher, Secretary | | Eternal | | Stranger, alien | | Guide | | Wisdom, insight | | Historical name | | Suporter, patron | | A Prophet's name | | Ruler, rewarder, judge | | Brave, valiant | | beloved, favourite | | happy | | Honesty, piety |
| Panther (cheerah) | | Intelligent | | Outstanding, excellent | | Winner, victorious | | Merry, jolly | | Dignified, great | | Proud | | Glory,
pride | | Pogress,
success | | Prosperous,
successful | | Historical
name | | handsome,
superior | | Lonely,
matchless | | Matchless,
paramount | | Cheerful,
happy | | Happiness | | Horseman, knight | | Intelligent, wise | | Discriminating | | Reliever | | Lion | | Auspicious, happy | | Eloquence, fluency | | Fluent, eloquent | | Witty, smart | | Victorious | | Opener | | Victorious, prosperous | | Successful | | Victorious | | Judge (decisive) | | Very generous | | Overflowing grace | | Generous, liberal | | Superiority, virtuosity | | Excellent, learned | | grace, bounty | | sacrifice | | farsightedness | | heart | | little horse | | eminent, learned |
| the forgiver | | dear, beloved | | bominant, conquerer | | rich, all-sufficient | | assistance, help | | prime of youth, bloom | | zealous, passionate | | lion | | hero, winner | | historical name | | aid, support | | forgiveness, pardon | | garden, flourishing |
| beloved, dear friend | | religious guide, leader | | guardian, protector | | baby lion | | alive | | judicious, wise | | clement, patient | | praised (praiseworthy) | | very thankful | | praiseworthy (praised) | | close friend | | brave and noble | | thankful, praising | | historical name | | anxious, active | | laudable | | praiseworthy (praised) | | historical name | | happy, delighted | | affectionate | | true believer | | compassionate | | plowman, cultivator | | a prophet's name | | handsome, good | | reckoner | | judicious, wise | | beautiful | | destroyer of evil | | diginity | | handsome | | decisive, absolute | | life | | lion | | living | | determined, judicious | | gift, boon | | guidance | | crescent | | protection, support | | generosity | | a prophet's name | | brave, hero, noble | | laudable | | auspicious, fortunate | | historical name | | little cultivator | | sword | | beautiful, handsome | | very beautiful | | beautiful, excellent | | historical name |
| A prophet's name | | A prophet's name | | Pride, honor | | Benefience, kindnees | | Respectability | | Miracle | | Sincerity | | Crown | | Historical name | | A prophet's name | | Faith | | Pillar, support | | Historical name | | Distinction | | Reward | | Favor | | Prosperity, affluence | | Power | | Knowledge,
wisdom | | Guidance,
instruction | | A
prophet's name | | safeguard | | A prophet's name | | Desire, eagerness | | Submission to Allah | | A prophet's name |
| Almighty, powerful | | Historical name | | Historical name | | Conqueror of world | | Glory, majesty | | Great, glorious | | Companion | | Attractive | | Beauty, grace | | Handsome, beautiful | | Brave, tremendous | | Courageous | | very brave | | Excellence, goodness | | Eternal | | Jewel, gem | | Most bountiful | | Courageous | | Historical name |
| Historical name | | Enough, sufficient | | Guardian | | Orator, spokesman | | Perfection | | Complete, perfect | | Successful | | Historical name | | Miracle, wonder | | Generous, kind | | Impetuous, passionate | | Plentiful | | Discoverer, revealer | | Star | | A bundance | | Restrainer | | Historical name | | Expert, skillful | | Servant, helper | | Eternal | | Friend | | Polite, respectful | | Successor | | Eternal, everlasting | | Caliph, Successor | | Creator | | Excellent | | Beneficent, charitable | | Green | | Historical name | | Delightful | | Sun | | Loin | | Beautiful | | Historical name | | Historical name |
| Intelligent, wise | | Qualified, able | | Worthy, capable | | Luminescence, twinkle | | Brilliant | | Bright, shining | | Elegence | | Gracious | | Loin | | Ability, worth | | Historical name | | Kind and friendly |
| Beloved, favorite | | Rightly guided | | Safe, protected | | Skillful, competent | | Praised | | Skillful, expert | | Metaphor, figure | | Honor, glory | | Glorious | | Glorious | | Glorious, exalted | | Master, employer | | Handsome | | King | | Possessor, king | | Trustworthy, reliable | | Grantor, donor | | Benefactor, Gracious | | Aided, victorious | | Aim, intention | | Chosen, accepted | | Goal, desire | | Well-known | | Historical name | | Fortunate, blessed | | Mediator | | Famous, eminent | | Grateful, thankful | | Happy, prosperous | | Innocent, guilt-free | | Cheerful | | Strong, firm | | Beloved | | Lucky, blessed | | Successful, rich | | External appearance | | Bright faced | | Way, road | | Ladder, ascension | | Lamp | | Indigent, poor | | Historical name | | Exalted, esteemed | | Blessed, fortunate | | Champion, fighter | | Bringer of good news | | Obvious, clear | | Happy, joyful | | Restorer | | Assistant, aide | | Preferable (preferred) | | Beneficent, useful | | Protector | | Highly Praised | | Benevolent, benefactor | | Magnificent, majestic | | Honored, respected | | Fighter, solder | | Answerer, Grantor | | Protector, Defender | | Chosen, selected | | Chosen, Excellent | | Believer, Follower | | Distinguished | | Illuminated | | Similar, like | | Panitent, repentant | | Exalted, eminent | | Luminous, shining | | Bountiful, generous | | Friendly | | Victorious, triumphant | | Authoritative, powerful | | Wish, desire | | Satisfied, pleased | | A Prophet's name | | Made happy (lucky) | | Credible, trustworthy | | Honored | | Kind, compassionate | | Longing, anxious | | Reformer | | Follower of Islam | | Selected, chosen | | Benefited | | Purified | | Abstaining from sin | | Obedient, submissive | | Fortunate, prosperous | | Victorious, Successful |
| Smart, witty | | Noble, gentleman | | Intelligent, witty | | Intellectual | | Genious, talent | | Companion, friend | | Rare, precious | | Felicity, comfort | | Benefactor | | Beneficial, Profitable | | Excellent, Exquisite | | High, sublime | | Attainer | | salvation | | Wholesome, beneficial | | Noble, gentle, beneficial | | Successful | | Safe, rescued | | Intimate friend | | Star | | Good, wholesome | | clear, pure | | Chieftain | | Breeze | | Helper, supporter | | Adviser, preacher | | Growing, fresh, nascent | | Just, fair | | Helper, supporter | | Gift | | Glad tidings | | Handsome, generous | | Very happy | | Superior, high | | Luminous. Radiant | | Proud | | Beauty, grace | | Beautiful, fresh | | Model, example | | Organizer | | Warner | | Glowing, beautiful | | Observer, onlooker | | Sacrifice | | Leader, discipline | | Light | | Historical name | | Starlet | | Historical name | | Help, aid |
| Handsome | | Powerful, capable | | Capable, strong | | Leader, guide | | Satisfied | | Historical name | | Divider, distributor | | Just, fair | | Lion | | Historical name | | Strong, mighty | | Precious, straight, right | | Self existent | | Magistrate, judge | | Very holy | | Ability, power | | Sacrifice | | Darling, dearest | | Pole, axis |
| Lord, master | | Spring | | Very sympathetic | | Chief, head | | The exalter | | Helper, supporter | | Kind friend | | High, exalted | | Comfort | | Most, merciful | | Mercy, kindness | | Leader | | Beautiful | | Hope, anticipation | | Preferable | | Full of hopes | | Intelligent, dignified | | Symbolic | | Bright | | Wisdom | | Guide to the right path | | Graceful, elegant | | Rightly guided, virtuous | | Stable | | Lion | | Rest, ease | | Sweet basil (fragrance) | | Polite, sober | | Contented, pleased | | Pleased, satisfied | | Provider | | All-giver, all-provider | | White gazelle | | Intelligent, wise | | Superiority, highness | | Satisfaction, pleasure | | Acceptance, pleasure | | High, superior, exalted |
| Prosperity, blessing | | Fair, handsome | | Enduring, Patient | | Very patient | | Patient, self-controlled | | Good luck | | Historical name | | Truthful, sincere | | Happy, lucky | | Valiant | | Pure, pious | | Clean, pure | | Sword | | Worshiper | | Devoted worshiper | | Righteousness, piety | | Rightness, flawlessness | | Sound, healthy | | Pious, virtuous | | Disciple | | Sound and safe | | Historical name | | Listener | | Forgiving, kind | | Pleasant companion | | Exalted, honorable | | Finely tempered sword | | High, supreme | | Prosperous | | Eternal, everlasting | | Master, chief | | Veiler, the coverer | | Sword | | Name of Husayn | | Compassionate | | Royal falcon | | Witness | | Well-known, famous | | Witness | | Exalted, elevated | | Prince | | Full of desire | | Brave, courageous | | Handsome | | Historical name | | Grateful, thankful | | Very thankful | | Fragrance | | Exalted, high | | High, lofty | | Sword | | Brother | | Nobility, honest | | Dignified | | Respectable, honest | | Clever, smart | | Glory, dignity | | Frenzied (with love) | | Rare | | Lion cub | | Relating to a baby lion | | Sagacious, clever | | A prophet's name | | Courageous, bold | | Courage | | Historical name | | Historical name | | Very truthful, honest | | Night lamp | | Praise, glory | | Historical name | | Late night companion | | A prophet's name | | King, emperor | | Little lamp | | Happiness, joy | | Good luck |
| Historical name | | Radiation, glow | | Pure, clean | | Purifying, cleansing | | Beautification | | Beauty, elegance | | Drizzle | | Historical, name | | Seeker, pursuer | | Historical name | | Dignity, honor | | Complete, perfect | | Lighting | | God-fearing, pious | | Rare, novel | | Morning star | | Pacification | | Prosperity, success | | Praise | | Enslaved | | Historical name | | Ease, facilitation | | Good, pleasant | | Glistening | | Wealthy, very rich | | Mediation |
| Obedient to Allah | | Little servant (slave) | | Historical name | | Title | | Historical
name | | Historical
name | | Historical
name | | Ascension,
rise | | Handle,
bond | | Lion | | Little lion | | Historical name | | Historical name |
| Gentle, mild, calm | | Affectionate, friendly | | Affectionate, loving | | Successful, favorable | | Lonely, matchless | | Bestowner, All-giving | | Glowing, incandescent | | Donor, bestowner | | One, single | | Prestige, distinction | | Eminent, well esteemed | | Finder, possessing | | Historical name | | Newborn, little child | | Holy man, saint | | Dignity, honor | | Guardian, protector | | Historical name | | Extending, blooming | | Heir, inheritor | | Handsome | | Praiser, describer | | Confident |
| High | | A prophet's name | | Wealthy | | A prophet's name | | A prophet's name | | Historical name |
| Chief, leader | | Victory, triumph | | Victorious | | Lion | | Supporter, backer | | Abstinent, holy person | | Shining, clear | | Arrival, emergence | | Intelligent, witty | | Pious, innocent | | One who invokes Allah | | Historical name | | Very intelligent | | Companion, associate | | Conscience, innervoice | | Humorous, witty | | Growth, raise, excess | | Lion | | Generous | | Beauty, ornament | | Historical name | | Reputation, honor | | Lion | | Peak, zenith | | Gold | | Strong person | | Bright | | Emergence | | Ornament | | The sword of `Ali |
Baby Girl Names | Bounties | | Secure, protected | | adoring | | Historical name | | Worshiper | | Literate, cultured | | Honest, fair | | Chastity | | chaste | | Young deer | | Happiness | | To sprinkle, to scatter | | Worshiper in solitude | | Friendly | | Sublime, exalted | | Diamond | | Hopes | | Aspirations | | Trustworthy | | Princess | | Beautiful, spruce | | Affectionate | | Stars | | Noble woman (housewife) | | Intelligent, wise | | Sharp, brilliant | | Good smell, fragrance | | Knowledgeable | | Nice looking | | Honeyful (honeycomb) | | Protector, defender | | Nurse, medical attendant | | Gold, jewel | | High | | Sinless, excellent | | Exalted, high | | Old precious gift (beautiful) | | Sympathetic, kind | | Generous, noble | | Gift | | Living, prosperous | | Dear, precious | | Virgin, chaste
| Marvelous, admirable | | Full moon | | Spring | | Happy, delighted | | Noble, beautiful | | Dignified, venerated | | Eloquent, fluent | | Historical name | | Lady, princess | | Innocence | | Blessing | | Excelling, distinguished | | Bringer of good news | | Courageous, bold | | Smiling | | Smile | | Petal | | Virgin, chaste | | Rising, emerging | | Historical name | | Blessing | | Good news | | Beautiful woman |
| Luminous, bright | | Knowledgeable | | Fine fabric | | Drizzle | | Godly, pious | | Supplication, prayer | | Eloquent | | Pearl | | Pearl | | Glittering, sparkling |
| Intelligent | | Intelligent, judicious | | Benefit, gain | | Superior, excellent | | Successful | | Sky | | Righteous, successful | | Happiness | | Unique, matchless | | Happiness | | Happy, delighted | | Delight | | Happy | | Very Happy | | Beautiful | | Matchless, unique | | Lucky, prosperous | | Auspicious | | Intelligent | | Eloquent | | Intelligent, smart | | Charming, cute | | Intelligent | | Very beautiful | | Victorious | | Turquoise | | Virtue, merit | | Very generous | | Excellent, learned | | Garden or paradise | | Learned, knowledgeable | | Female hoarse | | Historical name |
| Young (beautiful woman) | | vitorious, dominant | | precious,dear | | rich, well-off | | youthful, beautiful | | goal, aim | | female gazelle | | forgiveness, pardon | | saffron | | rich, well-off | | branches of a tree |
| beloved | | cooing of pigeons | | guide to righteousness | | gift | | amulet | | guardian | | historical name | | halo around moon | | gentle, clement | | historical name | | parisaworthy | | thankful | | pleasure, felicity | | benevolence, mercy | | true believer | | happy, pleased | | sympathetic | | upright, honest | | good deeds | | of noble descent | | sagacious, judicious | | beautiful, charming | | chaste | | lioness | | cautious and wise | | pearl | | gift,
bounty | | Crescent | | Clement, forgiving | | Henna | | Passion | | Right guidance | | Red (white) | | Passion, zeal | | Beautiful | | Beautiful | | Historical name |
| Happiness, joy | | Prayer, invocation | | Chastity, loyalty | | Alluring, instigate | | Esteem, honor | | Inspiration, intuition | | Faith, belief | | Favor | | Pleasurable | | Chastity, innocence | | Night journey | | Brocade | | Glory, honor |
| Majestic, dignified | | Beautiful | | Heart, or soul | | Courageous | | Brave, bold | | Jewel, gemstone | | Large, pearl |
| Self-sufficient | | Galaxy | | Complete, perfect | | Generous, kind | | Star | | Abundance | | One who controls anger | | Friend, companion | | Eternal, everlasting | | Wild cow or deer | | Pious, humble | | God-fearing | | Deer | | Generous, benevolent | | Historical name | | Of good facial features |
| Intelligent, wise | | Elegant | | Shine, luminescence | | Soft to the touch | | Bright, luminous | | Gentle, pleasant | | Born at night | | Delicate, compassionate | | Historical name | | Pearl | | Gentle, tender |
| Praise | | Walking proudly | | Wild cow or deer | | Beauties, good qualities | | Skilled | | Beautiful like moon | | Praised | | Moon's pride | | Servant, slave | | Glorious | | Exalted, glorious | | Charming, pretty | | Queen | | Achievement | | Wisdom | | Agreeable, pleasant | | Purpose, aim | | Aspiration | | White woman | | Coral | | Coral or jewel | | Historical name | | Happiness | | Happy | | Thankful | | Innocent, guilt free | | Lucky | | Strong woman | | Love, affection | | Blessing, victory | | Affluence, wealth | | Blessed | | Historical name | | Successful (prosperous) | | Of white glittering face | | Beautiful | | Praise | | Gift | | Grace, bounty | | Piece of musk | | Historical name | | Evident, clear | | Helper, assistant | | Skilled | | Charitable | | Endeavour, effort | | Faithful | | Distinguished (eminent) | | Distinguished | | wish, desire | | Penitent, repentant | | Tall and beautiful | | Brillant, bright | | Gentle, friendly | | Wish | | Holy, sacred | | Desirous, covetous | | Obedient, submissive | | Luminous, bright |
| Intelligent | | Noble, honorable | | Eminent, noble | | Friend, companion | | Rare, precious | | Generous, openhanded | | Excellent, precious | | Beneficent, useful | | Morning star, Venus | | Youthful | | Honey bee | | High, lofty | | Historical name | | One who lives in comfort | | Salvation, safety | | Courage | | Intelligent, excellent | | Successful | | Saved, blessed | | Having large wide eyes | | Star | | Morning star | | Secret converssation | | Odor, fragrance | | Pure, immaculate | | Pretty, shapely | | Delicate, slim | | Narcissus | | Breeze | | Youth, growing | | Desirous, seeker | | Ecstacy, elation | | Adviser, preacher | | Helper | | Wild rose | | Gift, present | | Good news | | Exalted, sublime | | Exalted, high | | Sweet | | New generation | | Luminous, shining | | Coyness | | Beauty | | Clean, pure | | Tendency, inclination | | High aspiring, energetic | | Coquetish | | Feminine, delicate | | Delicate, lovely | | Blue sapphire | | Lamp | | Name of a flower | | Blessing, favor | | Sacrifice | | Cheer, mirth | | Light of the world | | Light | | Light | | Morning light | | Intellect, mind | | Gentle breeze | | Freshness |
| Moon | | Contented, satisfied | | Beautiful face | | Precious, valuable | | Celestial, blessed girl |
| White clouds | | Gainful | | Historical name | | Highness, eminence | | Sublime, high | | Assistance, gift | | Name of a flower | | Living in luxury | | Companion, friend | | Generous, liberal | | Ease, easefully | | Prosperous, affluent | | Desired object | | Prosperous, happy | | Historical name | | Beneficent | | Exquisite wine (nectar) | | Kindness, sympathy | | Leader | | Very compassionate | | Chief | | Hope, anticipation | | Wise, mature | | Hopeful | | Expectation, wish | | Illuminated, shining | | Shining, luminous | | Attractive, eye catching | | Elegant | | Chant, musical tone | | Ascending, progressing | | Sober, thoughtful, wise | | Young gazelle | | Rightly guided, wise | | Righteous, pious | | Firm, stable | | Designer, planner | | Garden | | Fragrance | | Serious, sober, polite | | Contented, satisfied | | Satisfied, pleased | | White antelope | | Wideness, spaciousness | | Contentment, satisfaction | | Pleasure, delight | | Soft and sweet sounding | | Sand particle | | Delicate | | Having comfortable life | | Walking with grace |
| Morning breeze | | Youthfulness | | Morning, dawn | | Beautiful, bright faced | | Patient, enduring | | Very patient | | Mother of pearl | | Truthful, sincere | | Lucky | | Clearness, purity | | Sincere friend | | Historical name | | Sleeplessness, vigil | | Early morning (dawn) | | Quiet, calm, serene | | Worshiper | | Serenity, tranquility | | Well, perfect | | Virtuous, righteous | | Safe, peaceful | | Generous, tolerant | | Late night companion | | Lofty, exalted | | Flash, radiance | | Exaltedness, majesty | | Sublime and brilliant | | Historical name | | Leader | | Historical name | | Happy, lucky | | Mark, sign | | Silver like | | Polite, cultured | | Forgiver, lenient | | Compassionate | | Royal | | Martyr | | Royal falcon | | Well-known, famous | | Witness | | Having bluish-black eyes | | King's pride | | Pretty, shapely | | Thankful | | Beautiful, pretty | | Good quality, merit | | Sweet breeze (fragrance) | | High | | Proud, supercilious | | Noble, honest | | Shy, cultured | | Historical name | | Fragrant, aromatic | | Sweet smelling (fragrant) | | Sweet, pleasant | | Sagacious, perspicacious | | Boldness, sagacity | | Little sun | | Fragrance, scent | | Very truthful, pious | | Lote tree | | Pious, religious devotee | | Minor, lesser | | Name of a dim star | | Gentle, easy | | Historical name | | Dim. Form of salma | | Empress, queen | | High and lofty | | Spike of grain | | Fine silk brocade (gentle) | | Inspiration, glad tiding |
| Smile | | Singing of birds | | Congratulations | | Pure, chaste | | Pious, pure | | Submissive, pious | | Crown | | Scholar, seeker | | Complete | | Illumination | | God-fearing, pious | | Happy, lively | | Pacification, alleviation | | Fountain of paradise | | Prosperous | | Good, pleasant | | Precious, valuable | | Gratitude, praise | | Wealth | | Pleiads, stars (chandelier) | | Evident, distinct | | Blessedness | | Gift | | Historical name |
| Affection, intimacy | | Historical name | | Historical name | | Great, supreme |
| Affection, love | | Gentle, peaceful (humble) | | Affectionate | | Faithfulness, loyalty | | Friend, companion | | Loyal, honest | | Unique, matchless | | Passionately loving | | Distinguished, eminent | | Devotion, friendship | | Pearl | | Rose | | Luxuriant,
blooming | | Beautiful,
pretty | | Rain
drop | | Beautiful | | Historical name | | Confident, positive | | Luminous, bright |
| High, lofty | | Pigeon, dove | | Right and proper | | Pigeon | | Jasmine | | Blessed, lucky | | Prosperity, ease | | Rich, prosperous |
| Victorius, successful | | Successful, winner | | Small pigeon | | Radiance, splendor | | Pious, abstinent | | Radiant, dazzling | | Beautiful, bright faced | | Flower | | Luminous, shining | | Popular, well-known | | Remembering (admiring) | | Intelligent | | Pious, virtuous | | Proximity, closeness | | Golden | | Apex, peak, zenith | | Beautiful, pretty | | Dignified | | Ornament, beauty | | Historical name | | Decoration, beauty | | Forenoon | | Historical name | | Emerlad |